A Life of Love

Loving life and all there is…

Kindergarten Chronicles

Hickory Dickory Dock… Twinkle Twinkle Little Star…ABCD… These are the songs that have been ringing in my head before I retire at night and once I open my eyes to see the rising sun. Yes, your guessed it correctly – I am a KINDERGARTEN TEACHER. So cute and so funny because it was uncharacteristic of me to be teaching first time schoolers. Id rather teach grown ups who could easily grasp what I am saying, or at least have the capacity to strive to understand what I am talking about. But God has His own humor and put me in a position I could never have imagined. It might sound all cotton candies and teddy bears but there is a big responsibility on my shoulders – whatever they experience in KG1 will have a long term impact on their learning journey. So I am tasked to make everyday a wonderful day for the children. I have to make them look forward to the next day in school. I have to make them competent, confident  and communicative. I have to bring out the best in them. I am pressured because this is my first time to ever handle such young students but teaching them for the past three months have been a fun fun experience. Everyday, I have my own joyful moment. IMG-20150218-WA0007

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